Hier findest Du eine Auswahl meiner Werke aus Polyester, Bronze, Serpentin und Holz. Here you will find a selection of my works.
Eva gestern|115 cm high | Polyester, acrylic, epoxy resin | 2012 | s21
Eva heute|115 cm high | Polyester, acrylic, epoxy resin | 2013 | s22
Adam|125 cm
high | Polyester, acrylic, epoxy resin | 2019 | s26
Lover-boy|100 cm high | Polyester, acrylic, epoxy resin | 2011 | s17
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Der Busen-Halter|30 cm | Bronze | 2014 | s24
Der Busen-Halter|30 cm | Bronze | 2014 | s23
Entstehung Bronze: Der Busen-Halter
kg | 25 cm high | Serpentin | 2004 | s9
Beschütz mich|23 kg | Serpentin | 2005 | s10
Torso|21 kg
| 26 cm high | Serpentin | 2005 | s11
Steinskulpturen in Arbeit
Hold me|24
kg | 50 cm long | Serpentin | 2008 | s15
Do you like me?|29 kg | 51 cm high | Serpentin | 2006 | s13
Kiss me|37
kg | 55 cm high | Serpentin | 2009 | s16
Steinskulpturen in Arbeit
Hochhaus | 58 cm high | piece of wood, Acrylic, slab (Steinplatte) | 2011 | s18
Zauchenfee | 60 cm high | piece of wood, slab (Steinplatte) | 2011 | s19
Venus | 53 cm high | piece of wood, Acrylic, stone | 1999 | s1
Neptun | 53 cm high | piece of wood, marble (Marmor) | 2001 | s18
Tänzerin | 28 cm high | piece of wood, stone | 2004 | s5
Madonna | 21 cm high | piece of wood, marble (Marmor) | 2004 | s8
Herz | 19 cm high | piece of wood, marble (Marmor) | 2002 | s4
Drache | 35 cm high | piece of wood, slab (Steinplatte) | 2005 | s12
Wortlos | 90 cm high | Acrylic on plaster (Gips), concrete (Beton) | 2010 | s17
Träumen darf mann ... | 33 x 66 cm | Acrylic on wood
| 2015 | o30
Take care | 70 x 110 cm | Relief, Acrylic on plaster (Gips) | 2010 | o32